While developing the front end developing functionality for the Registration Manager King component today, I came across a little problem that had me stumped for a little while.
In all my work, I use ONLY the JCE editor as I think it's the best and the developer of it gives support very quickly.
So, back to the problem. While I was documenting the front end content creation for events, I noticed that the description fields were only showing textareas. Weird, I confirmed that in the xml files for the fields, they were set as type Editor. So, a bit of googling only found a few little problems, but the problems were for all editors not showing in the front end.
In the end, what I found was that I needed to go to the JCE component in the admin area. Open the Profiles section, go to the Default Profile, Setup tab. Here you can set the Groups. You need to set the creator group so that your creator can see the JCE editor and enter the description with formatting.
I'm pretty sure I'll need to do the same thing with the Instructor and Organizer profiles too.