This is the Joomla LMS Basic version of our Learning Management System.
The Joomla LMS King Basic Learning Management System family has been created to help you deliver a fuss-free, learner-centered approach to e-learning for Joomla!. The Basic version is no different. While it may not have the full feature set as the Professional, it is a powerful, easy-to-use system that helps you help people to learn.
Like all the LMS King Basic products, this one is as simple as you would ever need it to be. You won't find any complicated screens that seem almost impenetrable (unlike other platforms) and there are no lengthy manuals to struggle through. It's all delivered with a Wizard, which helps you get started quickly and able to get students moving towards accreditation faster.
The Basic version allows for effective and user-friendly testing and exams. No aspect of the testing and exams is overlooked, so you can be safe in the knowledge that students will be accommodated fully. And because it's so simple to use, you can allow it to ‘run itself’, which saves you time. There's no need for lengthy preparation or over-management of the e-learning. It's all in the box and ready to go.
Instant, easy access
And talking about that ‘box’, the Joomla LMS King Basic system is all available as an instant download, so you can be up and running with a fast and effective e-learning course within minutes. If there's a need for Joomla! training in your organization, don't waste time looking for instructors and courses, just sign up for the Basic version and you can be training minutes later.
When it comes to reports, the Basic version has a full suite of high quality and accurate reporting, which you can use to reassure students that they are making progress. This also ensures that you have a full reporting system, without the hassle of entering data.
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