This is the Professional version of our Joomla Learning Management System.
The Joomla LMS King Learning Management System Professional is our fully-featured product, with all you need to have a complete and effective e-learning system. Every single aspect of Joomla! learning is taken care of in this product, so you don't have to worry about ensuring full training and accreditation takes place. It’s all provided here, from learning to assessment.
Like all of our Joomla e-learning extensions, simplicity is key. No complicated menus or manuals to worry about. Instead, a simple to use and intuitive Wizard takes you through the process step-by-step, removing barriers to learning, so you can concentrate on delivery.
To add even more when it comes to ease of use, all you need to get started is provided in a handy download. No physical software to worry about, and instant accesss.
Everything you need, everything taken care of.
The Professional version has all of the extensions required to run a fully-featured e-learning program. For reporting purposes, for example, a user statistics plugin is included. This automates the reporting process, saving you time.
One of the key components included is messaging, allowing for full communication and easier management of any problems or queries that may arise. A chat module is also included, allowing you to have instant communication when you need it the most. With most issues around e-learning arising from inadequate communication, your job is made easier with messaging and chat functionality.
This fully featured Joomla LMS Professional version of our system improves communication, ease of use and makes course delivery and accreditation systematic and efficient. In the end, this gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing its all professional.
That's everything you need to deliver Joomla! e-learning, all in one place.
Our LMS King system currently contains the ability to create 18 types of questions, with more in development.
Several question types are very similar, but internally, very different.
- Multiple Choice - The user must select an answer from the list of provided responses
- Fill in Blank - The user must manually type in their answer
- Multiple Response - The user has the option to select more than one answer if applicable to the question
- Yes/No - A Binary question where the user must select yes or no in response to the question presented
- Drop-down List - The user must select their answer from a drop down list of possible answers
- Short Answer
- Matching - The user must match the questions in column A with the correct answer in column B
- Fill in Multiple Blanks - The user must manually type in each answer
- Essay - The user can type a long response to the presented question. These types of questions will be marked manually by a teacher or assistant. Alternatively, the user can upload a document in response
- Numeric - This is a mathematical type question where the user must type in the correct answer
- True/False - A Binary question where the user must select if the provided statement is true or not
- Presentation (For presentation of info with no actual question) - Using this type of question, you can present info to the users without the system expecting any response from the user
- SCORM- Installed Scorm module of questions
- Right/Wrong - A Binary question where the user must select if the provided statement is right or wrong
- Grid - This type of question allows you to present a table with questions on the left, with answers above in columns. You can set this to be single response per question or multi response per question
- Selector - This question type allows you to create any number of questions with a select list for the answers to choose from
- Jumbled Sentence - The user must organize the presented questions into a sentence in the correct order
- Agree/Disagree - A Binary question where the user must select if they agree with the statement presented or not