Event Registration Manager King uses the same installer system that jomsocial uses. It will install the complete package, consisting of all the main extension and additional plugins and modules as well as the library packages. There is no need to download the extensions one at a time now as we install them all for you. During the installation process, you also have the option to install sample data.
The install package is 10Mb so, you will need to set your PHP settings to allow the upload of this size.
To install Joomla extensions, you need to folow the satandrd installations steps, which are as follows:
NOTE: WHEN YOU ARE UPGRADING, YOU DO NOT NEED TO UNINSTALL THE OLD VERSION. THE PROCESS WON'T TOUCH YOUR DATA. The process won't delete your database. It will only replace the files, so the database tables won't be deleted.
In order to upgrade to a new version of Event Registration Manager King you just need to go to the joomla Extension manager and select Updates,, then the new versionshould be listed if it is available. Just select it and click the Update button to get the latest version.
The My Account area of king-products.net will always have the most recent version available if your support license is still valid. After you have downloaded the latest version from your account, you can just perform the same steps as before. The update will automatically overwrite the files for the main component, modules, and plugins as well as update the database. NOTE: If you have made any modifications to the core files of the extensions, then they will be overwritten. Alternatively, the core component can be upgraded using the Joomla installer built into the CMS
If you need to completely uninstall Event Registration Manager King, you can simply uninstall the component, and then the plugins, modules, etc. using the Joomla! extension manager
The database tables for the extensions won't be deleted when they are uninstalled.
To remove the tables, you will need to do it via phpmyadmin or another database tool.
registration manager King has an extensive list of configuration options. Here we will explain the purpose of each option in each tab so that you can configure it to display data how you need.
We have added a complete list of all the world currencies. When you select your currency, the Currency icon will appear. This is the icon that will be shown to the user in the front end.
If you want to charge your users tax on their purchases, this is where you set the tax for the cart total.
Intro text can be displayed in category, calendar, accordioned categories, and event list front end views, Here we have listed each of them so that you can enter the intro text seperately for each. This intro text is visible in the front end.
These fields are not required. So leaving them blank will result in them not being visible.
Here is where you set the events that the system can trigger.
These settings will resize your images upon upload to the dimentions set in these parameters. If you change these settings later, it will not automatically resize your existing images that have been previously uploaded.
You can set the image height and width if you want to. You can also set the height to be auto and the image will be properly sized only based on the width setting.
Note: This is an optional setting and not needed for most websites.
Are Joomla Extended Profiles, JomSocial, or Community Builder being used?
This option allows the user profile links to point to the specified component on your site. So if you have JomSocial installed, then you can link to the users JomSocial profile.
Google Maps API - Here is where you can find the options that couldn't be groups with others, so we put them together here.
Google maps API, you will need to options this from your google Console. Log into your google account and go to the console. At the time of writing this document, the URL was this. https://console.cloud.google.com/google/maps-apis/overview?project=geo-radius-search
However, that could change at any time with google. You will need to option the Javascript Maps API key from here.
The Registration Manager King Component has 3 dashboards. Once for Admin in the admin area, one for content creators and one for customers, both which are in the front end of the system. Frome the admin dashboard, you can havigate to every part of the system.
A description of each Dashboard tile is listed below.
Listed below are the optiosn for the system configuration, which can be navigate to by useing either the tabs, in the Configuration page or the left menu which conveniently hides after selecting an option.
Configuration - As the Title says, this is where the main configuration options for the system can be set. Here you set the default settings for the options that are used within the system.
Main Settings -The main settings have been split into 9 groups, which are shown on tabs, to provide easy access to them.
Events - Front here, you canselect one of the 5 sub menus to control and create yoru events.
Events - The Events List page will show you the complete list of the events that you have created.
Event Categories - From here you cn crete your own categories so that you can group them. You can even set color coding schemes for them.
Registration Forms - Registration forms are one of the most important parts of the system. Here you can create them and customize them as needed.
Location Manager - Here you can setup all the locations where your events will be taking place, so that when recreating an event at the same place,, you don't need to set up all the maps and address details again.
Many people if not, MOST, like to just jump in and start using things without reading the documentation. I know, I'm oe of them too. So, to forwarn you, here are some things you'll need to do in the component first before you can create any events.
These are the required first steps you need to take.
BEFORE YOU CREATE AN EVENT! The system will prompt you do perform these tasks.
1. Create the event category
2. Create a venue location
3. Create your registration form
4. Publish your payment plugin
Once you have done these items, you can create an event. Any event will require the above items be done before you can create your first event.
For the rest of you that really like to follow more detailed instructions please continue on with reading this documentation.
Managing Event Registration Manager King Categories
Event Registration Manager King allows you to create unlimited categories. Each event must be assigned to a category.
Each category can be publish or unpublish as needed. If a category isn't assigned to any events it will not show up in the category list views in the front end of the site. If a category is not assigned, it will not be hidden in the Category Grid View.
When you add a category, it will be using our own internal category system instead of the standard Joomla category system because we like to add a few more options to make things prettier in the front end. From here, you can set the parent category to make a multi level category system, a category description, text color and background color.
Adding Colors to Categories
This is where you can set the background color and the text colors for this category by using the color pickers that are in each field. You should make sure that you dont select the same colors for both fields or you won't be able to read the text.
Whichever color you choose, the background of the category in the front end will have that color as its background label colors in the calendar and accordion category views.
Managing Locations (Where the event will take place)
Adding a new location
Finding the Latitude and Longitude for a locaiton can be quite daunting. However, here is how you can do it quickly.
Open Google maps. (https://maps.google.com) and type in the location you need the co-ordinates for.
Eg:Queanbeyan Showground, Glebe Avenue, Queanbeyan NSW, Australia
Google will open the map, with the location. Somtimes there will be a marker already present on the map and other times not.
Right-Click on the locaiton you need and you will see a custom context menu. Select the "Whats Here?" item.
You will now see a little window show near the bottom of the screen. In it will be the Lat and Long that you need to enter in the Locaiton form.
Registration Manager King allows you to make your own customized registration forms.
You can choose create your own fields that you would like the registrant to complete out when registering for events during the checkout process.
You can use a single registration form using the group registration option for purchasing multiple tickets, and you can create a seperate form for each event, so if you go through checkout and select two different events, the user will get to different registraiton forms.
Each thank you page can be customized to show information from the event and attendees.
Near the thanks page input field you can see custom tags which can be used in the thanks area to customize your thank you page.
So that each event can have it's own thank you page, this can be very handy.
The thanks page will be shown tothe attendees after they have finished the checkout process and registered for your event.
In order to add more form fields you can just click on the ADD ANOTHER FIELD button above the form fields list, on the right.
When you add a new field, you will see various options.
Field Identification: This is just an identifier for the form field. You cannot have any spaces between words or use special characters in this field such as /?,
You can make any form field mandatory.
Text Fields:
Text fields are self explanitary. It is for entering any type of text in a standard text input field.
Password Field:
Password fields are identical to text fields but as you enter the data into that field, it is represented as dots instead of the password you typed.
Text Area Field:
Identical to the text field, with exception to the optiosn for setting the number of lines that it will cover.
Select Field:
This is a simple drop down selector as you would see in many HTML forms. You can specify the list of values that the user has the option to choose from.
Multi Select Field:
This is the same as a select field, but in this case, the user can select more than one value. To enter the possible values, just create a comma separated list.
Radio Buttons:
You can create your radio buttons in a Vertical or Horizontal layout. To enter the possible values, just create a comma separated list.
Single Check Box:
Typically a single checkbox is used when you want the user to agree with something, IE, terms and conditions, or a signup agreement.
Check Box Fields:
Multiple checkboxes have two possible layouts, horizontal and vertical. To enter the possible values, just create a comma separated list.
File Upload Field:
This field will show the Browse buttons for users to be able to attach and upload a file during the registration process. For Example, Proof of Age. The uploaded file is accessible from the Submissions page i the admin area.
Calendar Date Field:
With this type of field your registrants can select a date from a nice calendar by clicking on the button next to the field. This would be good if you need to collect a birthday or recent event date.
On the Events Manager page, you can add and delete events, in addition to adding new users to the event directly.
Furthermore, if you need to mark your events with the users that arrived to the event, you can click on the "users" column links, and go to the RegistEred Users page. Here, you are able to click Check-In and this will automatically mark the user as arrived.
Add New User To Event
From the add new user pages, you are able to add a new user to the event system without the user performing any actions.
This is most useful when you perform over the phone registrations for your events.
This way, all you need to do is to select offline payment as the payment method once you have completed the users registration details and then, once that is done, you will also need to set their payment as Confirmed in the Registratered Users Page. To access the Registred Users page, go to the event manager, and select the link in the Users column.
To add a new event just click on the "New" button on the toolbar in the event manager screen.
When you click on the "New" button, you will be taken to the event creation screen where you can enter the details for the event.
Event Details
Here you see the required fields in red.
The access tab is where you will define who can access your event details as well as register for your event.
Registration Tab
Creating Event Tickets
If your event is free, then you would create a ticket named "Free" and a price of 0.00. Here you can create an many ticket types as you want with the quantities of each type. The required fields are in red as usual. You can se the tax amount for each ticket and the publishing dates for it too.
Click Save to add your new ticket to the event. To edit a ticket, click it from the list that appears below.To can create different tickets for an event, Eg, child ticket, Adult ticket, each of which have different prices:
Adult: $15.00
Child: $10.00
You can choose the ticket types you want and the quantity of each. Ie, the number of people registering for the event.
You will then get a registration form appear for each ticket multilied by the quantity you selected. Eg, 2 adult tickets and two child tickets means you will get 4 registration forms. Hoever if the Group Registration option is enabled, you could set the checkbox for Group Registration, and only get ONE form.
Meta Data Tab
For those knowlegable of SEO and marketing for Sear Engines, you will know what these fields are for. For those that don't know, these fields are special fields that allow search engines to index your content and present it higher in the search results.
Recurring Tab
Recurring allows you to reproduce your event quickly and easily. So, if you have an event that you want to repeat on a specific interval, then you use this feature.
This is where you add the details for your addon product.
From the Event Registration Manager King dashboard, click on the tile "Payment Plugins"
This will open the list of installed payment plguins for the Event Registration Manager King Software.
We install the offline payment plugin with the component when you install it. If you want to install more payment plugins, then you could download them from our site, or have them developed yourself. They install via the Joomla plugins installer.
After upgrading the component, you should not need to update the payment plguins however, you can update them via the joomla plugin manager, if needed.
Install new payment plugins;
1. All Payment plugins are installed as Joomla plugins via the extension manager in Joomla.
2. Open the Extension Manager and select Install, Select the Upload Package File tab, then select the payment gateway plugin you wish to install.
3. Click Install, or alternatively if you used the new drag and drop feature, it will auto install.
4. The plugin will not be automatically published. You will need to publish your payment plugin before you decide to use.
Event Registration Manager King can give the user a choice of multiple payment options to your customers when purchasing.
By default, with an install of Event Registration Manager King, the main component is installed along with an offline Payment Plugin. Ths payment plugin will show a message to the user after the purchase so that they can either mail in their payment or deposit directly into your bank account. We have more payment plugins available for sale in the downloads area of King-products.net that you can install separately as needed.
We can develop specific payment plugins for you if needed at an additional development fee. You can email us and we can developthe one you need.
Nametag Generator
1-1 | 1-2 | 1-3 |
2-1 | 3-2 | 3-3 |
3-1 | 3-2 | 3-3 |
[NAME] | Name of event attendee |
[BOOKING_DATE] | Date of Booking For Ticket |
[BUYER_NAME] | Name of ticket buyer |
[EVENT_IMAGE] | This is Event Image |
[EVENT_NAME] | This is Name of Event |
[EVENT_URL] | Link for Event |
[ST_DATE] | This is Start Date of Event |
[EN_DATE] | This is End Date of Event |
[EVENT_LOCATION] | This is location of Event |
[TICKET_ID] | This is Ticket ID of Event |
[TICKET_TYPE] | Ticket Type set by Event Owner while creating events |
[TICKET_PRICE] | This is price per ticket |
[TOTAL_PRICE] | This is total price |
[EVENT_DESCRIPTION] | This is event Description |
[QR_CODE] | This is QR code which is verified at time of event |
Using the order manager section, you can change the status of orders from Pending (typically from offline payments) to Completed.